Plant and Book Festival FAQs
People ask about the Plant and Book Festival….
Where do the books come from? They are specially selected from books donated by library patrons throughout the year. The Library keeps the books that fit its particular needs and offers the remainder to The Friends. Many thanks to those who have brought them this year!
(Please note: We regret that we cannot use encyclopedias or textbooks, but thank you for thinking of us!)
Why are the coupons not discounted? All funds raised by the Friends go to support our own Library, its special needs and its programs. Attendance at Library programs has SOARED—almost doubling from last year, serving 1,000-1200 people a month (of ALL ages) in programs alone. The Friends help fund those programs. The full value of the coupons is a significant contribution to what we can provide to the Library. The Festival provides almost 20% of the funds we offer the Library! Full value of the coupons makes a huge difference in what we can offer.
Why should I join or maintain my membership in the Friends? Memberships alone constitute about 22% of our available funds we contribute to the library. The Library is an incredible community resource and the Friends is proud of being part of its relevance and outreach that provides so much to so many! We DO make a difference! YOU CAN AND DO TOO!